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A newer version of this fact exists. (view)
- makes a link to the specified fact, first example puts title automatic, second exmaple use the dotted text as display for the link - if setlang present, sets the language to that one - if boxopen present, when clicked opens the box with that ID (box id is seen in padmin) - if boxclose present, when clicked closes the box with that ID (box id is seen in padmin) - if anchor present, adds a #... anchor to the link - note: if you dont specify a class, the "link" class will be used - outputs the image from fact 123456.0 - if title="" is an ID of a text fact, the text fact's text is taken as an alt for that image (first 250 characters) normal facts case include: - includes the fact with that infoID. - show list defines which parts of the fact to show, default is all if you omit it - editinclude enables the edit include overlay - nocomment - if editinclude, hides the comments link - noviewfact - if editinclude, hides the view fact link - nobreak - if used, no break is put after the end of the include (used for layout includes) - cuttitleto - ammount of characters to cut the title to folder case include: - include the list of facts inside the folder. here is the help from the template itself: # possible parameters: # #cuttitleatlength - cuts title to that much characters # #foldersonly - display only folders, no other facts # #levels - how many levels deep to display, default one, maximum 10 #dontdisplaylines - if leves more than one, if the tree line connectors should be hidden (default none) # #itemtemplate - the id.v of the text fact that should be used as a template for displaying each row. further specification is needed, ask support if you need this feature #spacertemplate - the id.v of the text fact that contains the template for displaying the spacer between the rows # #titlestyle - this style will be appended to the
08 Jan. 2010 Neue Symbole, Zeichen zählen und sonstige Verbesserungen

InfoID: 1419834.4

16 Dec. 2009 TinyMCE implementation in FCS improved

InfoID: 1415211.1

02 Sep. 2009 Titel von Bildern in ZIP-Datein bleiben erhalten

InfoID: 1369260.1

04 May. 2009 fastlink Update

InfoID: 1330546.1

05 Jan. 2009 Verlinkung in geschützen Bereich optimiert

InfoID: 1283254.3

- includes news. here is the help from the template itself: # possible parameters: # view="simple" (default is full) # - count, offset, newstype # - iconimage, iconwidth, iconheight # - columnwidth1, columnwidth2, columnwidth1 # - datestyle, infoidstyle, linkstyle # - spacerrowtext # # spacer="none" - only in full mode # #count (default 5) #offset (default 0) #newstype (default default) # #iconimage - full href to image (default news icon) #iconwidth (default 19) #iconheight (default 19) # #columnwidth1 (default 19) #columnwidth2 (default 120) #columnwidth3 (default 350) # #datestyle - css content inside (separated by ; ) #infoidstyle - css content inside (separated by ; ) #linkstyle - css content inside (separated by ; ) # #spacerrowtext - spacer between the lines, for example
(default none)
- includes a list of events. here is the help from the template itself: # possible parameters: # view="simple" (default is full) # - count, offset, eventtype, eventdatefrom, eventdateto # - reverse # - iconimage, iconwidth, iconheight # - columnwidth1, columnwidth2, columnwidth1 # - datestyle, infoidstyle, linkstyle

section 1

Author: Webservices GmbH factline; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline GmbH (factline6)
factID: 1249657.2 (...history); published on 17 Oct. 2008 14:09
Referers (30):
notificationsenabled04 Feb. 2011
lc_user21 Sep. 2010
lc_platform21 Sep. 2010
lc_platformalt21 Sep. 2010
lc_platformlink21 Sep. 2010
show all 30 referers.