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the fragmented city


04. - 10. Oct. 2010

a real-time simulation of virtual underground city

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Artistic Direction, Concept, Direction: Thomas J. Jelinek

Dramaturgy / Direction Discourse: Jan Deck


A co-operation of NOMADtheatre and LABfactory Vienna

together with Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom,

 fluc, OpenSpace  and  Forum Diskurs Dramaturgie


A jouney on a performative-installative course,

 along the axis of the Parterstrasse in the 2nd District of Vienna

creates an interactive theatre space and turns into a journey

through the virtual underground city 21.


International and local artists, theoreticians, scientists,

experts of daily life and self-made- specialists create,

together with the audience, within this 7-days-festival-like

concentration of events, a simulation of an urban situation,

of the city space of an individual counter-society.

The process of these days is being recorded and will be fed

as a digital sculptuer to a 3D structure in development,

which is part of the EU-Project under the same name.


Guides, Connnaisseurs and informed persons lead you

through the fragments, the course, the situations and

the programme of the Underground City 21.

You can meet them at different points of the network,

get to know them, seek advice from them and be lead

by them through the entangeld world of the Underground City

and its programme. They are the persons to trust.

They guarantee a safe journey through the Underground City 21.



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When there is no unoccupied, no regulated and inhabitable space left on the surface, the surviving, innovative, maybe also suspect forms of life will evade into the space under ground. When the subjective-virtual construction of physical cities are not sufficient anymore to provide a proper quality of life, the social networks and constructions into a digital urban space and start building the subversive and progressive underground of the public and society.



Underground City 21 Vienna -

 is recording snapshots, utopias and potantials in real and imaginary networks and is manifesting their structures of thinking and activities and actions into installative and performative sculptures. The idea of public space, in all its sociocultural and political dimensions, as well as the imaginative borderlines between upper and under ground will be discussed as part of a discoursive process within the fields of art. Collaborative ideas and subjective creations, micronations as social circles, are, placed as fragments on

various kinds of ´stages´. By doing this, a contextual sphere is created in which a contemporary form of theatre can emerge, which at the same time is a real time-simulation of an Underground City in the 21st century. Taking up the parameters of the geographical, physical and historical threads of the real starting point of the project in the ex-coal-mine in Labin/ Croatia, a temporary sculpture of UNDERGROUND CITY 21 will be created by all participating people, artists, theoreticians, spectators and supporters.

Every participant will, at least for a short time, become an inhabitant

of Underground City 21.



Taking the map of the mine in Labin as a structural model for the physical form and following the idea of transferring a far away region of similar size, consistent mainly in its social network and structures of communication and coding,

the project is taking the Praterstrasse (in the 2nd district of Vienna) as the main axes opening and connecting a number of spaces to activities and art projects.

Beside the main venues of Theatre Nestroyhof Hamakom, the LABfactory, the music-venue fluc or the bar Lokativ and a number of the galleries, Bars and coffeehouses along Praterstrasse, we will follow several “side-tunnels” to associated venues like OpenSpace, the XI-Bar, the Cabaret Renz, but also to a number of private flats and hidden places in the urban structure of the 2nd district. The local history, traditions, contemporary movements, local structures and activists, hopes, fears and craziness, are meeting international but locally working artists, and a global discourse on living society and future, at the same time simulating an international sculpture.




Erik Alalooga /artist (Est), AIKO-Kazuko Kurosaki /choreographer

/performer (J/A), Fahim Amir / philosopher / performer (A), artWERK (A),

Sigi Aigner aka Musurunga (Fuckhead)/(A), Andreas Berger / GLIM

-musician/soundcreator (A), Didi Bruckmayr / musician (A),  

Steve Buchanan/ musician/dancer/ artist (US), Libia Castro / artist

(Rotterdam), Chris Standfest Theatercombinat (Berlin/Wien),  

Stefano Cavagnetto/media analyst/philosopher (I), Stephanie Cumming

/ choreographer /dancer/ performer (Can), Esther Csapo /radio moderator

(A), Jan Deck /dramaturg/ theatre-maker/curator(D), Verena Dürr/artist

/musician (A) Natalie Driemayer /dramaturg(D), FM-Einheit / musician

(Berlin), Ursula Endlicher /media artist(US/A), Alexander Emanuely

  /writer (Wien), Simone D. Fachel /theatre maker/ photographer (Berlin),

Peter Fuchs /artist (A), Vanja Fuchs/artist / coordinator(A/SLO),

Barbara Husar/visual and conceptual artist(A), Christine Hartl-Prager

/artist(A), Ana Hoffner /artist / (D), Mikko Hyvönen / performer (FIN),

Thomas J. Jelinek /curator/ director/dramaturge (SWE/A),  

Robert Jelinek / SABOTAGE (Int), Harald Jokesch /dramaturg/actor(A),

David Kleinl /TanzBaby/atist(A), Verena Kuni / art- media theoretician (D),  

Joonas Lahtinen /performer (Fin), Joke Lanz/Sudden Infant

-music performer (Berlin/D),  Magda Loitzenbauer/ performer(Bra), 

Michael Loizenbauer /videoartist/photographer(A), Jörg Lukas Matthaei /director/

theatre-maker (Berlin/D), Katharina Meves / dancer / performer (D),  

Gini Müller /director/theatre-maker (Vienna), Alexander Nikolic /artist

/film-thetremaker (A/Ser), Jaume Nualart /mediaactivist (Cat),  

Şener Özmen and Cengiz Tekin (TÜR), Ólafur Ólafsson / artist (Berlin),

Fritz Ostermayer / journalist/author/DJ/musician (A), Robert Pinzolitz / artist / musician / producer (A), Regina Picker / dancer / artist (A), Paul Poet / film maker / director, producer (Vienna), Ulla Rauter / artist / musician (D), Ropert / bondage-artist (A),

Salka Ardal Rosengren / performer (SWE), Benedikt Rubey / media artist / Vienna, Anna Scheer /performing-media artist(A), Lars Schmidt /red park(A), Jutta Schwarz / actress and performer / Vienna, Pascal Silondi /media-artist (LIBAT/F), Klaus Spiess / scientist (A), Deniz Sözen /artist,(Vienna), Norbert Steiner /SPUTNIK/ architect (A), Lucie Stecker /artist(Berlin), Jan Tabor /urbanist/ architectural critic (CZ/A), Yuka Takahashi /performer(J), Lisa Truttmann /visual and media artist (A), Janek Turkowski /curator/performer (PL), Doris Uhlich /choreographer/ performer(A), Brigitte Wilfing /demimondaine choreographer/performer (A), Katherina Zakravsky / philosopher / performer (A), Dean Zahtila /director/artist (CRO), and others