Optional functions / Services of the platform - Versions Archiv

- factID Titel Datum Nutzer_in
1606593.7 Optional functions / Services of the platform 30 Jun. 2011 14:22:27  maxharn - Max Harnoncourt
1606593.6 Optional functions of the platform 15 Jun. 2011 20:04:44  maxharn - Max Harnoncourt
1606593.5 Optional functions of the dokspace platform 02 Jun. 2011 08:23:55  factline5 - factline Webservices
1606593.4 Optional functions of the dokspace platform 31 Mai 2011 08:15:36  factline5 - factline Webservices
1606593.3 Optional functions of the dokspace platform 27 Mai 2011 15:41:34  factline3 - Ivo Marinov
location:  1286761.1 27 Mai 2011 12:12:29 factline5 - factline Webservices
1606593.2 Optional functions of the dokspace platform 27 Mai 2011 12:12:28  factline5 - factline Webservices
location:  1286759.1 27 Mai 2011 09:42:34 factline5 - factline Webservices
1606593.1 Optionale Funktionen der dokspace Plattform 27 Mai 2011 09:42:33  factline5 - factline Webservices