Home > Structure > English > Manuals > User Maunal > Create Content > Create folder
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Create folder
(1) Use the service "Structure" to navigate where you want to create a new folder.

(2) In the left frame click on the edit-box and choose "add a folder".

users - box bearbeiten [en] - 210523.6

(3) Insert a title and a shortname. The shortname will be displayed in the pathline.

(4) Choose one of two list layouts:
standard-list: list with title and metainformation
thumbnail-list: list with additional image preview for facts of the services "image" and "album"

If you do not see the drop-down menu, the standard layout will be used. Contact your platform-administrator to activate this feature.

(4) Click on "next >>".

(5) Set permissions.
You will see an overview of all groups. There you can set the permissions. Usually your Platform administrator ("p-admin") has already provided you with a preselection which you can accept or adapt.

(6) Click on "publish".

-> continue with: Create content (= facts)

Author: Angela Gamsriegler; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: Astrid Holzhauser (Astrid_H)
factID: 210525.2 (...history); published on 05 Aug. 2005 16:23
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